*This page does not pertain to the 2022 camp!
We ARE running a camp this summer! However, it will be smaller than our normal operation. Most of the rest of the Evergreen Summer Adventures website reflects the camp we were planning to have in the summer of 2020. We are going to leave all of that here, so that website visitors can get an idea of what we typically offer. But for this year, we're calling it Evergreen Summer Adventures, Light!
UPDATE: We have added an Adventure Climbing Camp option! Click here for details.
This year, we will not have the enrichment classes, field trips, or climbing wall activities. This is to accommodate a smaller staff and reduce the number of people that come in to contact with each other over the course of a day or week.
Hours will be 8:00-4:30. The shorter afternoons are also to accommodate a smaller staff.
What we will have are smaller groups, 10-13 kids or so, that stay fairly separate during the camp day. We will create the groupings each week based on enrollment. Each group will have one staff member as primary group leader. We will also have one or two additional staff members each week to float between the groups and provide support for things like art projects, group games, hikes down to the nearby creek, or any other impromptu ideas the staff have! Overall, this summer's camp will have much more of a take-it-day-by-day feel, whereby we get a new group for a week, get to know them a bit, and then see how best to use the resources we have at our school to make it a fun week for each child.
We will be open for 5 weeks: June 14-18, June 21-25, June 28-July 2, July 12-16, and July 19-23.
(We are currently full for the weeks of July 12-16 and July 19-23; please contact to get on a waitlist).
For COVID modifications, other than just scaling down what we do and having smaller groups and fewer kids, we will also be following all of the requirements in the NC Schools Public Health Toolkit that we, as a charter school, have been following all this school year. For camp, we will continue to be at least as restrictive as the Toolkit states for schools in Plan A. At times we may decide that it makes sense for us to be more cautious (like greater spacing during mealtimes). For face coverings, we will operate with the guidelines that are in the Toolkit as of May 5th, which is that they are required indoors but outdoors they are not. They are still recommended for outdoor settings in which 6ft social distancing is not possible. For camp, this means we will allow children to take masks off outdoors unless they are huddled together too close and not moving around. To honor those who have registered for camp under these expectations, we will stick with this rule for our camp in 2021, even if the indoor mask mandate is lifted before or during camp.
Ready to register? Click here!
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please don't hesitate to reach out. Please email program directors Mindy Allen and James Wilson, mindy.allen@evergreenccs.org, james.wilson@evergreenccs.org